A panorama shot of the W. Ross MacDonald School at dusk.


W. Ross MacDonald School for the Blind


Ontario Realty Corporation


$9 Million


33,100 sf.


January 2005

Delivery Model



Elementary and Secondary Schools


G. Bruce Stratton Architects Inc.

The largest facility of its kind in Canada, the W. Ross MacDonald School provides both elementary and secondary education to students with a variety of challenges – blindness (or partial blindness) being common to all. Constructed around the active campus, work on the facilities included an expansion and addition to the existing school.

During construction, additional precautions were implemented to warn the students of impending construction dangers, including audible warnings, high contrast colours and tactile warnings in addition to signage.

An outside shot of the entrance of the W. Ross MacDonald School.
An interior shot of the W. Ross MacDonald School with focus on the mix of materials and bench.
The entrance area of the W. Ross MacDonald School.

Various specifications to this project included oversized corridors (at 10′ wide) and doors (at 42”), which facilitate sight-diminished navigation. In addition to this, the building’s lighting is controlled to produce minimal glare and is geared toward flexible lighting conditions. Finish materials include clear maple hardwood floors, gold cleft slate, porcelain tile, and polished concrete.

The corridor of the W. Ross MacDonald School and shelving.
An interior shot of the W. Ross MacDonald School with students.
The colourful lounge area with poufs at the W. Ross MacDonald School.

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